
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Today I went to Mom's for our annual cookie bake/exchange.
It included the Noel farm ladies and my friend Karana.
Everyone brings their cookie dough and we bake
our cookies at Mom's and then exchange them.

This year we baked 1,300 cookies in all.
(toot, tooting my horn, sorry)
It's not about the amount or what we baked,
but it's about spending time together.

 Karana's filled oatmeal cookies.

My coconut cookies.

Aunt Shirley's chocolate crinkles.

Brenda's orange glazed cookies.

Faith's molasses crinkles.

Beth's spritz cookies.

Mag's German chocolate cookies.

Mom's monster cookies.

Those who wanted to exchange candy brought it already made.

Mom's peanut butter balls.

My Martha Washington candies...

that Josh helped me make last night.

I didn't get photos of all candy.
Mag made hard tack candy and Faith made peanut butter clusters.

 Most of the crew in action.

Mom proceeded to put aprons on everyone from her stash.

We start our helpers at a young age.

 Meredith coating the cookies with sugar.

Austy watching the white chocolate freeze on his mom's cookies.

Sorry I can't post all these recipes for you.
If you really, really want a recipe leave a comment
and I will get it for you.



  1. wow hope :) they all look amazing!!!
    hope you're enjoying married life as much as i am :) love your blog!

  2. This looks like so much fun! Even though it's long past Christmas, I still thoroughly enjoyed the pictures. At my church, the ones of us that want to exchange cookies at Christmas but they come a dozen to a plate on Sunday morning! The young girls love getting involved and I love adding some traditions for them to enjoy.
