
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Christmas Photos

Today I kept my dear, nephews.
Keeping children all day gives you a 
little taste of what motherhood is about.
After Sawyer cried for a half hour he finally
nestled down for a nap. Big brother, Austy decides 
the basement door need to be closed (slammed) 
and guess who starts crying again.
I hate the dilemma of deciding if you should go 
in and pick them up or just let them cry.
I asked Josh what he thought I should do
a couple times and his reply was, "Well, your the Mom."
Thanks for the help, honey!
He cried for another spell and finally went back to sleep.
I then sent Josh and Austin outdoors to try out Austin's new sled.

When Faith came back to pick up the boys I cabbaged her
 up to take our Christmas photos. I was very happy with
the way they turned out. I have a pretty, skilled sister.

So... I need to design my Christmas card this week.
To get the crowd a bit more involved, I've decided
to let you help me pick our Christmas card photo.
Choose away! 

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5. Sorry, had to add this one. Not a fan of dog kisses.

Photo 6

Photo 7
 Now don't be shy.



  1. I really like photo's 1 & 4 & 7...There all really good! Nice lookin couple :) Your outfit is really cute too!

  2. My vote is Photo #3. The dog one comes in second. That is Photo #6.

    You do so good with your posts. Makes me want to spend a little money on a camera and some lessons.

    You all have a blessed Christmas Season and a Happy New Year!

  3. Either 1 or 7... Merry Christmas to y'all!!!
