
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fiesta Lime Omelet

We have about 4 inches of fluffy, white snow.
Josh and I are both off work so it was fun to
sleep in and have breakfast together.

I get tired of making the same ol' thing 
for breakfast. Fried eggs, egg sandwiches,
french toast, pancakes etc.
I looked in my fruit basket and spotted
a lime- then I remembered I still
had some jalapeno peppers in the fridge.
I'll fix and omelet with jalapeno peppers and lime!
Like usual my hubby states, 
"You need to make this more often."

Fry 3 strips of bacon and then cut into pieces with kitchen scissors.
Add a few onion wedges and half of a jalepno pepper cut thin.
(You could add the whole pepper, it wasn't hot at all.) Saute until soft. 

Beat five eggs and a little milk. Add to skillet and sprinkle
with salt and pepper. Cover until it is firm enough to flip.

Fry on opposite side until brown.

Place on your serving plate. Squeeze half the juice of a lime onto omelet.
Then cover half the omelet with Velveta cheese and fold over. 
Top with sourcream and salsa. Garnish with lime slices
and sprinkle with parsley flakes.

A good way to start your morning.


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