
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I know the community has been
showered with some beautiful
strawberries from the south.
I have a gallon I cannot wait to use.

If you ever need a gift idea-
this one is hand made, from the heart,
and mostly costs your time.

My hubby has given me Sharis Berries
before for Valentine's Day. There is 
nothing like getting a box of huge,
chocolate covered strawberries.
You get the delight of pretty flowers
but also the enjoyment of eating them.
It's the best gift ever.

Well, I had saved the box from the last
time I gave Josh Sharis Berries hoping
to use it for a gift someday. 

I asked Joshua's mom what she wanted
for her birthday and she said strawberries
to eat with her family. The box came to
mind and my gift was planned.

I bought some strawberries and went to work.

Melt some chocolate chips in the microwave and add a
little oil to make the chocolate smooth and silky. Then dip
 your strawberries in chocolate, and place them on a tray covered
with wax paper. You can cover some with coconut and pecan pieces
and leave a few plain ones to drizzle with chocolate. Set them in the
freezer until the chocolate is hardened and then drizzle the plain
ones with white chocolate. Just like that your gift is ready.

The unforgettable gift.

Just so you know what the inside looks like.

Enjoy Giving,


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