
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Todd Lake 2011

We headed to Todd Lake Friday afternoon
for our annual camping trip with the Noel Farm Kids.

It had rained for the last 4 days and we
were worried we would have to cancel our trip.
But... the sun came out and we had beautiful weather.
We were chased in the camper once with a shower,
but nothing to ruin our trip.

My sister, Charity, and her husband, Wes, were
along with us this year. We had a wonderful
time together, watching the children play
and catching up on things.

The Lake.

Dad and Mom.

The children playing bubbles.

Fun in the sun.

Our campsite.

Uncle Josh showing Sawyer how dangerous fire is.

Cajun grilled shrimp.

4 packs of bacon, and every piece vanished.

Now back to work, this week will be a busy one!



  1. Looks like it was so much fun! And I'm delighted that Wes and Charity got to be there too!
