
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pumpkin Muffins

I was my usual half-awake,
 self packing my husband's lunch
at 6 o'clock this morning.
I pulled back the pantry blind
and screamed! There were my
new double ovens! We had bought
them for a good deal about a year
ago and Josh said I would have to wait
until we remodeled the kitchen to put them in.
I guess he got tired of me complaining about
unevenly baked cakes and cookies.

I told him we needed to christen the new
oven this evening and he suggested
baking chocolate chip cookies.
His wish was granted along
with baked chicken and
pumpkin muffins.

If you want something sweet,
but not sickening sweet with your coffee,
here is the recipe for you.

It was a Betty Crocker pumpkin
bread recipe I revised a tad and
made into muffins.
They are moist, simple and good.
Not every pumpkin dessert
has to have a layer of cream cheese
smeared on the top.

Oh, what a beauty!

The first thing baked in our new oven. Tears. Ha.

Mmmm... I'll have two.

Up close and personal.

Sprinkle the tops with sanding sugar. No icing needed.

Pumpkin Muffins

2 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup cooking oil
4 eggs
3 1/3 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 tsp. vanilla
2/3 cup water
2 cups pumpkin

Cream together sugar and oil. Add eggs and beat well.
In a separate bowl combine dry ingredients.
Alternately add dry ingredients and water to sugar mixture.
Mix just until combined. Beat in pumpkin.
Line cupcake pans and add 1/3 cup of batter
to each cup. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Top with white sanding sugar.

I made 18 muffins and 1 small bread loaf.



  1. Ohh, I would have screamed too! How exciting, enjoy!! :)

  2. Your new oven and muffins are wonderful. I'd enjoy both. I also like seeing the back ground of your pictures, like the cabinets and other parts of your house. It brings a little nostalgia my way.

  3. Ha ha I'm so proud of my brother's surprise to you :) I've never seen him scoop cookies before. Looks like your training him well Hope. So happy for your new ovens. The pumkin mufins are seriously making my mouth water right now as I have a mug full of coffee with nothing to eat with it.

  4. Yayyyy for you! :) :) What an awesome surprise! Go Josher!
