
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2011 Cookie Bake

Today was the 5th annual cookie bake/exchange
with Noel farm ladies and my friend Karana.

This years total topped all-
1,500 cookies baked.
We each usually mix up 2 - 3
turns of cookies. It's so nice
because you get all your Christmas
cookies and candies in one day.

I am so blessed to have a family
I can do things like this with.
Here are some photos from our day.

Karana's Peanut Butter Blossom's

Brenda's Spice Cookies

 Faith's Praline Cookies

 Beth's Spritz Cookies

 My Sugar Cookies with Orange Marmalade

JoAnn's Gingerbread Men

Maggie's Cranberry Nut Cookies

Mom's Reese's Cookies

Aunt Shirley's Chocolate Crinkles

Meredith and Trenton's Pretzel Sticks

Good ol' Dad counting out Mom's candy.

  Danielle helping her mom.

Sweet baby Riley.

I'm ready for the long hard winter-
my freezer is full of cookies.



  1. Looks like a fun day =) Those praline cookies sound amazing!

  2. Great pictures! Can I steal the one of Riley? The expression is so accurate, and I need a close-up of him for our Christmas card. Brenda

  3. Brenda, sure. I can email the orginal size file if you want.

  4. Your cookies look wonderful! I would love your mom's Reese cookie recipe sometime if you care to share it.

  5. They look wonderful! We love the pecan praline cookes. They are some of Sherwin favorite. Janessa<><
