
Monday, January 9, 2012

Yogurt and Dust

Sorry about the title,
but that is what I am feeling right now.
I want to tell you how good yogurt is
for you and I also want to show you
how much dust is in our house.

We are in the middle of re-painting our house.
We were just going to paint over our ceiling texture,
but it started to pull up when we rolled over it.
So we decided to scrape the texture off our
ceilings in the downstairs and upstairs rooms.
Dust is everywhere. My dear hubby worked
all day on it and is finally done scraping the texture off.
We also hired someone to help us with it.

My knight in shining white.

Our living room.

The plastic between the kitchen and living room...
it keeps most of the dust out but keeps our heat
from going upstairs to our bedroom.

This stuff is what is causing the problem.
We are just happy we are doing it now and getting it over with.

Need a healthy snack?

This is a great snack to help curb a sweet craving.
It's simply granola, homemade yogurt,
and fresh fruit drizzled with some honey.

The May issue of Mayo Clinic
Women's HealthSource covers the benefits:

- One 8-ounce cup of plain low-fat yogurt provides around 400
milligrams of calcium, more than the 300 mg in an 8-ounce glass of milk.

 - Yogurt also has as much potassium as a banana and as much
protein as an egg or ounce of meat.

- The live bacteria in yogurt help in digestion and protect
you against other harmful bacteria.

I also use yogurt in cream cheese fillings
so they are not as rich. Fresh whipped
cream also keeps it light.

I may not be posting as much this week,
due to circumstances of the dust.
I hope to post after photos of the house.



  1. I know for certain sure you will be glad to have all that dust and work behind. What a job! But it will be worth it. And the fruit and yogurt looks so yummy. I could use some right now!

  2. What a great title, and dust is right!... dust galore! How exciting though, I can't wait to see "before and afters"! Keep sane in the midst of all the fun ciaos!

  3. Wow, I've never seen your house look that bad :)
