
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mashed Potatoes

Eating healthy is still my new year's
resolution and I am trying to stick to it.
So I made mashed potatoes tonight
without sour cream or cream cheese.

Before I would have used butter, sour cream and cream cheese.
This time it was butter and a little whole milk mozzarella.

I asked Josh his thoughts and
he said they were better than
the regular, loaded mashed potatoes.

The recipe is not in measurements.
Just follow the photos.

 Cook 4 large red potatoes (diced) until tender.
Drain and return to your burner on low heat.
Add a nice chunk of butter.

 Get out a mashing device of some kind and mash away.
Lumps are okay. I promise.

 Grab your milk from the fridge and pour in a nice amount.

 Sprinkle in some, salt, pepper, garlic powder (lightly) 
and dried chives.

I am in love with this cheese. It's delicious. 
It's the only mozzarella I buy. 
You will need to know this for the next step.

 Then add a few clumps of mozzarella cheese.
Stir until melted.

 The cheese adds a new flavor. It's delicious.

Accompany with steak and some greens.

 Duke amused me as I was washing dishes.
He just kept looking up, not sure if he saw a squirrel or what.
What a great metaphor for us, keep gazing heavenward,
and remember why God has placed you on this earth.



  1. Ha ha LOVE LOVE the picture of DUKE!!! How I could squeeze that dawg!! My mouth is seriously wattering from lookin' at them thar tators :)

  2. Hey Hope,
    I love reading your blog, and I loved this recipe! so good :)
    Thought you might find it interesting though that these potatoes are probably no healthier than your other ones. Whole milk mozzarella is actually less healthy than cream cheese or sour cream, and lots of butter is even worse. Out of butter, cream cheese, sour cream, and whole milk mozzarella; sour cream and cream cheese are actually the 2 most healthy things. just an fyi :)
    Often I go to this website to check out my recipes when i'm interested in the number of calories in a recipe or the grade of my ingredients:
    thought you might find it interesting and helpful as well in your healthy pursuits this year :)


  3. Parla,
    Thanks for your input and information. Before I would have put butter, lots of cream cheese and sour cream. This time I added smaller amounts of butter and a little whole milk mozzarella to give it flavor. I will try to be more careful on my information. Sorry it was misleading. I am interested in eating more wholesome, unprocessed foods. Even some healthy foods are high in calories.
