
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sewing Retreat 2012

It's that wonderful time of year again.
The time when all of Joshua's Aunts
get together for a week and sew.

Here are some photos to document
what all happened this week.

Claire with a princess backpack she made for her niece.
The most detailed backpack you will ever find.

It's equipped with a zip out carriage and the lost slipper.
She made the doll from scratch- a work of art indeed.
The princess has three hats to choose from,
and the backpack has a wind-up music box.
Too many bells and whistles to list.

Aunt Barbara with another intricate star quilt.

Aunt Emily creating a wall hanging for her mother-in-law.

Mom cutting a border for her quilt she pieced a few years ago.

Aunt Polly's wedding quilt for her son Timmy.
What a special gift.

 Aunt Julia's creations- the striped quilt
is made from Grandfather's shirts. 

 Aunt Coleen's beautiful quilt blocks.

Aunt Cheryl's Valentine's quilt she is giving to herself.
I think it's a wonderful gift.

Aunt June's velvet fans.

Julian sewing on her last border.

Polly ad Jolene talking 'quilt' talk.

Some of the great Aunt's came to visit.

Grandmother taking a break the right way.

This morning everyone came up to our house for a brunch.

Hannah and the other Hope helped me with the food.

I fixed stromboli and filled it with all different kinds
of breakfast meats: bacon, ham, sausage.

Fried apples like Cracker Barrel's.

Delicious crepes made by my sister-in-law, Hope.
Sorry Hannah, I missed your yummy hash browns.

 I was able to sew some summer dresses.

What a wonderful week of fellowship.
I feel blessed to be a part of this family.



  1. I really enjoyed spending time with you at the sewing retreat this year, and your breakfast was AMAZING!!!!! I am so thankful to know you! Jilllian

  2. Man I did miss out again this year. Nadiya's crepes look absolutely amazing!! You definitey captured the moment Hope! Clair's backpack.... would love to see it up close!

  3. Just found your blog. I love the record you are keeping of the many memories that are being made. Thanks for the best meal we had all week. Aunt June
