
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is a special day for me.
Not just because of the warm fuzzy
feelings from flowers and cards.
It's the day, two years ago, Josh proposed
to me and asked me to be his wife.

Those of you who are tired of my
stories- don't feel like you have to
read the rest. I enjoy reading proposal
stories and such, but I know it's boring to some.

It had snowed and Josh wanted to have
me over for dinner on Sunday. I didn't
suspect much until I got there.
He had set up a table just for us
in front of the fireplace, and
he was dressed to kill.
We enjoyed a lovely dinner together.

Fine dining indeed.

Created by the chef, Josh.

After dinner he gave me this map...

... and a big pair of camo boots to wear.

The first treasure...

... the second treasure...

... the third treasure.
I looked at the tree and looked at him...
and gobbled him up with a "yes!"
Little did we know his family was
watching through the binoculars.

He also gave me a lovely engagement watch.

Today I love him even more! I feel so blessed.

The tree is on our land and we hope to go
visit it today and take the chisel with us
to make sure the letters are still readable.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Great post Hope,,, not to mention I took the great pictures... I can remember that day as if it were last night! So glad your part of our family! Happy Valentines to you and Henner ~ Sheri

  2. I loved hearing your proposal story - especially the part about the binoculars!!!!! Valentine's Day will always be special to you.

  3. I love the fact he called you Hopey! You will always be Hopey to me. ;)

  4. I smiled the whole way through this one! i can't imagine anyone not enjoying a story like that, so sweet! Great job Josh!! =)

  5. WOW! That is SOOOO Sweet and Romantic. Stories like this make my heart warm. May you have many wonderful years together and create many happy memories together.
    Love, Cousin Jolene

  6. I stumbled onto your blog while looking for a pulled pork recipe! I started reading and looking through your posts... how sweet you are! I love your proposal story. It looks so peaceful and fairy tale-like in your world. You have some wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.
