
Monday, March 5, 2012

Honey Roasted Chicken

Today was a wonderful day.
I woke up to a gorgeous blanket
of snow that I was not expecting.

I didn't go to work so my sister, Charity,
walked over to make cinnamon rolls.
She will be here in Virginia for 6 months
and will be staying next door,
in Joshua's parents basement.
Needless to say, I'm super excited.
We already have big plans for our
garden this summer.

 Cheri and Charlie, their adorable puppy.

Charlie kept whimpering and would not 
take a nap. So we came up with a cage.

We puttered around and made some cinnamon rolls.

After baking today I didn't feel too creative
for dinner. I wanted something I could stick
in the oven and sit down for a little.

So I threw together a 9x13 of chicken to roast in the oven.

It was nice and tender.

Roast some potatoes too. Then all you have to do
is cook some peas and cut a salad.

Honey Roasted Chicken

6 chicken thighs
1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large garlic clove, crushed
2 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. rosemary
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper

Mix together sauce ingredients. Lay chicken in a 9x13
pan and pour sauce over it. Let set for 1 hour. 
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. Turn chicken 
and bake 20 minutes more.
Sprinkle lightly with salt if you think it needs it.



  1. O Hope, how FUN for you to have Charity next door for awhile! Your next 6 months will probably go by too quickly! Enjoy every moment! Time with family is so precious!:) -Lou

  2. Such a cute dog in the cupboard! couldn't help but notice the owl too! What a delight to have a sister next door to "putter" and garden with, i've always wished for a sister! Now i have lots sis-in-laws so the cup runneth over.. =)

  3. What a cutie pie for a dog. I like how he's sticking his tongue out for a drop of coffee- what a buger! So happy that Wes 'n' Charity are close to you, just wish I could be enjoying their company too!
