
Monday, May 14, 2012

Strawberry Meringue Cake

We had our Mother's day meal
for my Mom tonight.
I wanted a special dessert-
so I looked online and found
this strawberry meringue cake.
 It was delicious.
I will be making this again.

 Mix up meringue and spread in circles on parchment paper.

Ah... crispy meringue, creamy filling and fresh strawberries.

Go here for the recipe.

Alterations I made-
Used one pack of cream cheese instead of (2) mascarpone cheese.
For the filling- I added a little lemon juice and used 
about 2/3 cup powdered sugar instead of granulated.
Baked it at 300 for an hour and let it cool while we ate.
Then put it together. It doesn't need to sit 2 hours like it says.
I tossed my strawberries in a little strawberry jam to sweeten them.



  1. Hi, I'm a menno-gal living in Baltimore city - I found your blog via Polly, who's son shares my city but who I rarely see. It's a big place! I'm enjoying your blog and pinned a couple of your recipes on my Pinterest boards. I hope I remember to make them!

  2. i think i might have to try this one this valentines day :) thanks for the idea and recipe!
