
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I love this time of year.
It's still not too hot to work outside
in the garden in the middle of the day.
Things are just a growing in
our garden (including weeds)- we are 
enjoying lettuce, onions and radishes.

I took my camera outside this evening and 
snapped some photos of things
that are growing around here.

"So then neither is he that plants anything, 
neither he that waters; but God that gives the increase."
1 Corinthians 3:7

The raised bed my hubby made for my Birthday last year.
I absolutely love it.

Our little garden.

Flowers we have been enjoying.

Super cool window boxes Josh made.

We were invited to my sister, Charity's, house for dinner.
As you can see it was delightful.

Happy Summer,


  1. The window boxes are a great addition to the house. And your flowers are beautiful. By the looks of the dinner, Charity loves cooking as well as you.

  2. I woke up thinking about the garden this morning! So energizing, growing things! Yours looks like it's off to a very good start.
    beauty of a post! the mason jars are so vibrant
