
Saturday, August 18, 2012


Things are still getting back to 
normal since our trip to Belize.
After missing our first flight we 
finally arrived in Belize the next day.
We attened the wedding and
were planning to head to the Cayes
on Monday. Well, hurricane Ernesto
had other plans for us. They were 
evacutating the island and advised
us not to go. So we backed our flights
up to Sunday and were able to head
to the Cayes on Wednesday.
Then on the way home we missed a connecting
flight due to our plane having mechanical
erros and leaving late from Houston.
Amidst all this we really did have a good trip.
Not to mention the heat-
90 degrees with 90 percent humidity.

 The cute church were the wedding was held.

Getting ready for the bride.

The blushing bride.

In love. Mr. and Mrs. Harris.

Altun Ha Ruins


 Our cozy resort.

The beautiful reef.

Now back to work...


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