
Thursday, August 30, 2012


I needed a quick dinner
for Josh before he went to play
softball this evening.

I decided on calzones.
What a good choice- you
would have though I was the
Queen of England. He ooooeedd
and aaahhhddd over them for a while.
So if you want to make your husband
happy after a long day- try these
He might even start asking for 
calzones instead of taco salad.

Divide dough recipe into four lumps.
Roll out and top half of the circle with pizza sauce and toppings.

Fold in half and pinch edges shut. Place on greased tray.

 Bake at 375 until done. Around 15 minutes.

 Serve hot with whatever you please.

I just used my stromboli dough recipe,
that I use for lots of things.
Go here recipe.

Here is a classic photo of summer...

 Austy loves Uncle Josh's tree swing.


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