
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tomato Juice

Today I canned tomato juice...
yes, I canned tomato juice in November.
It was great. No flies, no heat and no summer rush.
I think I will can tomatoes in winter from now on.

My sister and I had happily shoved bag after bag
of tomatoes into our freezer this summer. 
While others were slaving away... we were drinking lemonade.
Yea right.
It really was great though.

Just quarter your tomatoes- skins and all and 
freeze in gallon, zip-lock bags. Sit back and drink lemonade.
 Then pull them out in the winter. Thaw and
cook them until soft, blend them with a handy dandy,
hand blender, strain them and ta daa you are done.
Season with salt and sugar.
Well, you have to put it into jars, of course.
Hot water bath for 25 minutes.

 Cook tomatoes until soft. It doesn't take long.

 Blend until smooth. It doesn't take long.

 Strain with a cone strainer. A food mill works also.

Season with salt and sugar. 
We added 1/4 cup salt and 1/2 cup of sugar to this big bowl.

 Fill jars. Hot water bath 25 minutes.



  1. "While others were slaving away... we were drinking lemonade.." Haha i laughed out loud. You're so clever! Work smart, then you don't have to work so hard.

  2. Ooooooo...I had no idea you could "cheat" and throw tomatoes in the freezer to can later. This will be AWESOME come harvest time when we're overrun!
