
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Yesterday morning it started to snow. When I looked
out the window and saw the snow I screamed real loud.
My husband was worried until he looked outside-
then he knew, because I act like this every year about snow.
Even though it was a skiff- it was still fun to watch it come
down and drink hot chocolate. Around here we call that
a Swiss Alps experience.

But we have things more exciting than snow!
We have a Savior who came to save us from our sins-
and he can make our sins as white as snow.
I am just so thankful for Him and His sacrifice
of coming in a manger and then dieing for us
on that wooden cross. Praise be to Him!

Duke in dog heaven. He loves when Josh gets out the four wheeler.

Duke enjoying a drink after chasing Josh on the four wheeler.

 These two are quite a pair.

I just can't help but think of the parents who lost their children
in the school shooting. It makes my heart hurt for them.
Hold the ones you love a little closer this year-
and live life like you mean it. With a purpose.
Because in the end that's all that really matters.

Thanks to all of you who follow me here-
it has been a wonderful journey.



  1. Do I get a picture??!!! :) ~Sheri

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