
Friday, December 14, 2012

There's Another Boy!

Charity and Wes welcomed a little boy
into this world last evening.
 Caleb Paul Weaver is this handsome
boys name. A gift from God indeed.

We were sure it was a girl-
but we sure were wrong.

Here are some photos for Grandma
and Auntie who live in Indiana.

 Precious little Caleb, I got the chubby cheeks I wished for.

He had a hard day sleeping- hence the yawns.

Proud parents. Charlie is not sure about the new little one.
So much for him being the center of attention. Sorry Charlie.

So this is where all the heart burn came from? 
Your poor mother ate lots of tums for your gorgeous locks.

We love you so much. And we thank God for this answered prayer.



  1. He is absolutely precious! And his hair!....I love it! =) Praising God for his safe arrival as well.

  2. Please tell Wes and Charity Congrats from us...would love to see them again!! Steve and Diane Yoder

  3. An absolute cutie! Congratulations!! We are so happy for you! Hope to see him soon! Matt said at first sight he looks like Wes:) and wow!! He has hair!

  4. WOW!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! After 8 years or so of waiting!! Congrats and again congrats!! We love you guys greatly and definitely miss you at times. Wish we were closer. We would love to see it!! Definitely LOTS of hair. We are really REALLY rejoicing with you!!

  5. Hi Hope,

    oh wow, so cute!! and look at that hair!!

    Your blog has been listed at :)
