
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Festivities

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents.
The most wonderful thing about Christmas
this year, besides being married,
was that my sister came home from Bolivia.
It's the first time she has spent Christmas 
with us in five years.

When we were young she was the one
most excited about opening our presents.
One year she cleared the table while we
were sitting there, washed the dishes
and dumped a fryer full of hot oil down the drain.
Dad thought for sure the pipes would clog
but everything worked fine.

Charity and I

My nieces and nephews ready to open gifts.

Sawyer kissing his baby.

I opened a chocolate fountain.

All my sisters and mom.

Then Christmas morning Josh and I opened our presents.
Joshua bought me the Electrolux attachment set,
a new hose, power nozzle and the whole nine yards.
Yay! Now I don't have to vacuum the carpet three 
times to suck up a piece of dirt.
He also bought me a crock pot.

I bought him a dove-tail jig.
A tool that cuts a dove tail drawer for you.
Sorry, no photos.

Trying my vacuum out on his territory of the house.

We spent Christmas lunch at Joshua's home.

Nayda excited about her gift.

Mom forgot whose name she had.

 Dad with his gift card to shoot skeets.

Josh had Ryan's name.

Caleb categorizing his tools.

Josh with a dried, mango tongue.

We had a wonderful Christmas
blessed with family and friends.

This cake was a flop.
If anyone has the opinion that things I 
make never flop... they are wrong.
I made two of these cakes and 
both of them sank in the middle.
It was a new recipe that used self-rising four.
The cake tasted good, it was just heavy like
a pound cake and had a crater in the middle.

I call this my redemption cake.
Just like the cake, we are ugly, sunk
and in need of an almighty Savior
to make us beautiful in His sight.
And little babe in a manger makes
our hearts feel warm and fuzzy
but really it should be sobering that
he came down to this ugly earth
to take upon our sins and wash
them as white as snow.
Praise God for his redemption plan.
That's what the Christmas story is all about.

Merry Christmas,

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