
Thursday, April 12, 2012


For something a little different
instead of posting about food-
(because I am tired of cooking at this moment)
I am going to post about plants.
House plants are one of my favorite
decorations. I like to decorate mostly
neutral and then add some green
here and there. Whether they are
 real or not I love plants.

So to show you my love for
plants I am going to post some photos of
the plants we have in our home. 

I collect flower pots that are on sale
and then wait for the right plant
to come along. Plants also make great gifts.

Are there any other plant lovers out there?
If so, I'd love to hear from you.


  1. What a great collection. i realized this winter that i haven't yet developed an eye for houseplants and determined to change that. I really love them but i seem to have management issues. I have killed a lot of plants. yes fish too. I love succulents cause they are hard to kill and multiply so you can give some away. I still love the baby's tears you gave me, they seem to be getting along just fine, though prob not thriving as they should. i feel like i could learn a lot from you!(great watermark, btw!)

  2. I LOVE plants! My office at TA had 7 and my room at home has 5. Clark is getting me to start an appreciation for should start that! - Wes

  3. Oh I love all those plants they are beautiful. I love all the greenery but I must admit plants scare me to death. Everytime I've ever had a plant I kill it. I really need to research how to care for them properly.

  4. I just came across your blog.I'll be back for more with all the wonderful looking meals! As for plants, I love them too, I got it from my mom. would love to have more tho!
