
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Washington, D.C.

Josh had been wanting take me to
Washington, D.C. for some time so
we decided to go this weekend.

It was a wonderful trip full
of many beautiful sights,
along with lots and lots of people.

 The new Air and Space Museum.
Josh could have spent all day there.

Historic Georgetown.

Dean and Deluca in Georgetown.
The coolest grocery store I've been in-
also the most expensive.

Sprinkles cupcakes. Delicious.
They have all these cute little cupcake bakeries.

The Capitol.

The Botanical Gardens.
Talk about photography heaven.

 Washington Monument.

 National World War II Memorial.

 Lincoln Memorial.

The White House.

Getting ready for the White House Easter egg hunt to be held today.

 Arlington Cemetery.

The Arlington Amphitheater.

"Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 
'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. 
There you will see him.' Now I have told you."
Matthew 28:7

I am so thankful, He is ALIVE!

Happy Easter,


  1. Looks like you all had a great get away weekend:) beautiful pictures btw. Happy Easter!!!! p.s. missed ya at church.

  2. What fun! I'm still amazed to be living so close the the nations capitol. Glad you got to have a little holiday!

  3. What a fantastic city! Glad you had a wonderful get-a-way. Beautiful photos!
    - Amy
