Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. It started Saturday evening going to the park and then out to eat. Natalie decided that going out to eat was not a good idea since she missed her nap so we took turns eating. 

Sunday morning Natalie was the first to wish me happy Mother's Day by throwing up a large amount of milk over me and the bed. I guess she knew the sheets and mattress pad needed a washing.

Caroline and Josh fixed a lovely breakfast. I felt loved and appreciated.

I am telling you those things because that's real motherhood and I wouldn't change it for anything. It's the hardest but most rewarding job I've done. My heart aches for those who's arms are aching. 

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

Here are some photos to document our day.

 My five star breakfast made by the best.

I'm so grateful for these two gifts from God.
I wasn't sure I would ever be called mom after having 
a surgery due to endometriosis.  


With Love,


  1. Thanks for keeping it real here!!

  2. اغطية مناهل الصرف الصحي تُعد من الحلول المبتكرة التي تقدم توازنًا مثاليًا بين القوة والمتانة وخفة الوزن. بفضل مزاياها العديدة، أصبحت الخيار الأمثل في العديد من التطبيقات مقارنة بالمواد التقليدية مثل الحديد والخرسانة

  3. يجب أن تكون اغطية صرف صحي مقاومة للصدأ والتآكل بسبب المياه والأملاح والمواد الكيميائية. ومطابقة لمعايير مثل ISO 185 وISO 1083 فيما يتعلق بجودة الحديد الزهر. ويجب أن تكون الأسطح ذات نقش خاص (مثل التعرجات أو النقاط البارزة) لتقليل خطر الانزلاق، خاصة في المناطق الرطبة أو الزلقة.
