Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boys and Blooms

I had been wanting to catch the local orchard in full bloom for a few years now and this year I finally remembered.

Girls in pink flowing dresses would have been lovely- but I will take little boys
with mischievous grins any day. I Love my nephews. If you haven't noticed:)


If these photos seem effortless to you- looks can be deceiving. There were marshmallow peeps for bribing, and very, very silly songs sang to make these boys stand still, and look at the camera.

Hi, Faith and Charity, I hope you are having fun in Indiana without me.

Love to all,
Aunt Hope


  1. I just nominated you to receive the Liebster Award. I hope you'll accept. Here are 11 questions for you to answer and check back on my blog to see posting details..

    1. Your blog title/name? How did it come about... is there a story?
    2. Books. Who is your favorite author? What is your style?
    3. Speaking of Style. Who/what inspires you in your wardrobe selection?
    4. If you're a mom! - Any advice you could share? If you're not... What do you wish you could share?
    5. In blogging.. Do you share your Faith? Why or Why not?
    6. Collections... What is yours? Baskets? Cookbooks? - How did you get started?
    7. Do you have that one "best friend" - what makes her a great friend? Give me just two-three words.
    8. Pizza or Stromboli? Would that be homemade or "Take Out"?
    9. Camera advice...is needed. What would you recommend?
    10. And your favorite flower is...?
    11. Tell me that one idiosyncrasy you LOVE about yourself..

  2. Hey!!I recognize that neighborhood!:) Beautiful pictures by the way!!-L.M.

  3. Blooming orchards are dreamy! Beautiful!

  4. Absolutely beautiful photos... The last one is especially wonderful!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  5. Beautiful beautiful!
    I just returned from a week in the north (Pennsylvania) and the blossoms are just gorgeous! I grew up surrounded by orchards so springtime was always so special for me, even now. It always called for picnics and photoshoots. :)
